Pathway: FH&H by Martha Diaz
Black and white book pages, Paper, On Tour With '-Sally Potter's diary published in 'Projections 3' on 21/03/1994
Page 2 of general notes on Orlando, black printed text on A4 paper
Black and white A4 Text Document, Digital, Finished screenplay as published by Faber and Faber
Page one of handwritten rough draft #1. Black ink on white A4 paper
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper,Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 3 front
Close up of Orlando, face to camera, whilst resting against the trunk of the tree
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 4 - Queen Elizabeth I (Quentin Crisp) in the film
Voice-Over Cues, Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper
Provisional list of crew travelling to Uzbekistan, Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper
Black and white hand-drawn sketches, Paper, Orlando storyboard page 32