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Used in pathways:

Distillation of Adaption by Daniel Fisher,

A list of documents processing the reduction of the novel into key scenes in order to create the film

The Role of Gender In Sally Potters \'Orlando\' by Eleanor Bliss,

Orlando by Hanna Ibraheem,

The adaptation of 'Orlando' from literature to novel, and how each type shows the transgression from male to female

orlando to orlando by Jeanne le Roux,

the process of adapting the essence of orlando from literature to film.

Sally Potter\'s Orlando and Intertexuality by Corey Hill,

Gender & Identity - Intertextuality in Orlando by William Innes,

An exploration of intertextuality in Orlando through themes of gender and identity. I have chosen this approach as the most obvious, yet complex and interesting theme in Sally Potter's and Virginia Woolf's work. Same person/Same story. No difference. Just a different sex/Just a different medium.

Gender and Androgyny within Orlando by Anna De Guia-Eriksson, Student

My Default Pathway by Ashley Flatley, Student

My Default Pathway by Charles Tirella, Student

The Great House by Samuel Whyte, Student

The intertextual relationship between Woolf and Potter's imagining of Orlando through the location of Hatfield House.

Alex Garbutt\'s pathway by Alexander Garbutt, Student

A focus upon aspects from the stage of development as to discern the approach taken in adapting from novel to film.

Orlando by Matous Sedlak, Student

Orlando from Novel to Film by Rea Anastasopoulou, Student

Pathway to reflect upon and illustrate the process of adapting Virginia Woolf’s 1928 novel, Orlando, to film.

Gender and Sexuality in Orlando by Melanie Allickson, Student

My Default Pathway by Robin Walmsley Reynolds, Student

My Default Pathway by Meghan Longo, MA Student

Description 1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
Asset ID SPA0000157
Date 1988