Pathway: My Default Pathway by Nicole Moir
A4 pages, Paper, Typed notes on Virginia Woolf's ideas about the future for women
Voice-Over Cues, Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper
8x10" black and white photograph of Orlando and Archduke Harry
8x10" black and white photograph of Orlando holding bowl
6 1/2" x 9 1/2" Black and white photographs, Photographic paper, Film Stills - Scene 46 - (Tilda Swinton), in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 58 - (Tilda Swinton) and Shelmerdine (Billy Zane) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 4 - 's Father (John Bott), Queen Elizabeth I (Quentin Crisp) and 's Mother (Elaine Banham) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 14 - (Tilda Swinton) and Sasha (Charlotte Valandrey) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 54 - (Tilda Swinton) and Shelmerdine (Billy Zane) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 27 - Nick Greene (Heathcote Williams) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 49 - (Tilda Swinton) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Behind the Scenes Images - Quentin Crisp in makeup
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 4 - Queen Elizabeth I (Quentin Crisp) in the film
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper, Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 96 front
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper, Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 95 front
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper,Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 9 front
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Slides, Photographic Slides of Hatfield House location recces, interior and exterior
Page 6 of estimated screen time. A4 typed with pen annotations.
Page 3 of storylines. A4 typed page that has been cut in half.
Page 2 of storylines. A4 typed page.
Handwritten notes on Orlando, black pen on half of A4 piece of white paper, torn in half, front
A4 pages, Paper, Typed notes on Virginia Woolf's ideas about the future for women
A4 pages, Paper, Typed notes on Virginia Woolf's ideas about the future for women
A4 pages, Paper, Typed notes on Virginia Woolf's ideas about the future for women
A4 pages, Paper, Typed notes on Virginia Woolf's ideas about the future for women
Colour photocopy of painting of festival on frozen Thames
Page 10 of main sequence storyboards showing Euphrosyne, Orlando, giggling ladies, handdrawn in black ink on white A4.
Handwritten notes marked "1" in red ink on white A4 paper
Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper, Revised draft of screenplay
Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper, Revised draft of screenplay
Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper, Revised draft of screenplay
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper, Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 90 front
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper, Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 89 front
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper, Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 87 front
Black and white A4 computer printed with handwritten annotations, bound into book, Paper, Orlando Sally Potter’s Shooting Script page 86 front
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 53 - (Tilda Swinton) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 25 - (Tilda Swinton) in the film
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Digital, Film Stills - Scene 4 - (Tilda Swinton) in the film
Coloured pencil, mounted on black card, Paper, Sketch of Library of Great House
1 x colour slide in transparent plastic hanging sheet, Slides, Photographic Slides of Hatfield House location recces, interior and exterior
5"x8" colour prints, Photographic paper, Photograph of black-and-silver costume for 1600: Love
Video file, Digital, Screen Test - Quentin Crisp reading Elizabeth I
Black and white hand-drawn sketches, Paper, Orlando storyboard page 33
4"x6" colour photographs, Photographic paper, Photographs of Khiva location recces, exteriors
Original Novel, Photo of front book cover, Orlando, Virginia Woolf, portrait
Postcard showing portrait of Queen Elizabeth
Black and white hand-drawn sketches, Paper, Orlando storyboard page 39